Graham Hicks
Edmonton Sun
November 21, 2008

If you are of Ukrainian heritage and proud of it, this has been a fulfilling week.

Around the world, (UNESCO etc.) the long-denied Ukrainian famine and genocide of 1932-33, known as Holodomor, is being officially recognized. The Russian army, then occupying Ukraine, confiscated all food and crops. Millions of Ukrainians starved to death.

In Alberta, the legislative assembly did the unheard-of, and in one day unanimously passed all three readings of the Gene Zwozdesky-introduced Bill 37, the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide Holodomor Memorial Day Act.

The fourth Saturday of November, from now on, is Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day in Alberta. The main remembrance, this being Holodomor's 75th anniversary, is tomorrow at St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, 10951 107 St., at 12:30 p.m.

How pervasive is the Ukrainian influence on our region? A brief scan of Alberta's MLAs shows about 10 names of Ukrainian origin, including Zwozdesky and Premier Ed Stelmach. One out of eight - that's probably about right, at least for northern Alberta. Probably more!